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Spirit's Call Gift Certificates

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Give a unique Gift of Love. Purchase a Spirit's Call Gift Certificate and give a special person the opportunity to experience any of our programs, products and services. This is a gift that speaks volumes.

  • Reiki Session - Reiki is an internationally recognized method of stress release. Reiki energy nourishes the cells and organs. It also works on the mental, the emotional and the spiritual levels. Reiki can create balance and facilitate a sense of well being. A Reiki session is relaxing and rejuvinating. It is gentle and non-intrusive.

  • Geotran Introductory Course - An experiential course that gives the foundation tools for the language of Geotran. These tools can be used to be more present, to clear energy blockages caused by fear, anxiety, shock or trauma, to de-stress any issue or situation so you can be in choice, to be clear and able to rise above mass consciousness and more.

  • Aura-Soma Consultation - Aura-Soma is living colour. An Aura-Soma consultation can take you on a journey to discover more about yourself, your beauty, your special gifts, your life purpose, and what underlies your issues and challenges. Colour, supported by the energies of plants and crystals, is the heart of this system; beautiful, jewel-like, dual coloured bottles assist you in this exploration.

  • Time Line Exploration - Explorations with Time Line can help you to clear and be free of limiting beliefs, values and emotions from the past, such as shame, guilt, anxiety, to name a few. In addition, old restrictive patterns and ways of being in the world which have been imprinted into our fields can be shifted, healed and transformed. This process can enable you to live from a more resourceful and expansive place in the present.

  • Holistic Counselling Sessions

  • "Explorations of the Self" Workshops - Gentle, rejuvenating, affirming opportunities to integrate the energies of spirit, mind, body, heart and soul.

Denominations Available
$10 gift certificate
$20 gift certificate
$50 gift certificate

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