Spirit's Call
 Team Member Profile: Dorothy Becker
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Dorothy Becker As a co-founder of Spirit's CallTM, Dorothy brings to Spirit's Call a unique background in spiritual leadership, healing and creative endeavours. She attended the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon, Canada, and the University of Goettingen in Germany, completing her Master of Divinity Degree with internships at: Friedensgemeinde, Salzgitter, Germany; Trinity Lutheran Church, Saskatoon; Abington Memorial Hospital in Philadelphia (Emergency, Surgical Trauma Intensive Care, Intermediate Care and Rehabilitation) and the Municipal Hospital in Winnipeg (Geriatrics).

From 1988 to 1996, Dorothy was pastor of a small farming community in Manitoba. During that time she also was Chair of the board of Canadian Lutheran World Relief and served on numerous other boards.

Dorothy has written scripts on development issues for international documentaries, and edited the book, Spirit's Call - When the Spirit Touches the Soul.

Dorothy has training in a variety of holistic methods. These include Reiki (Reiki Master/Teacher), Field Work, advanced level training in Aura-Soma, and practitioner level training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Dorothy has years of experience in counselling, facilitating groups, and presenting workshops. She has completed all of the requirements for the Master of Education degree in Counselling except the dissertation.

Together with Margaret Tobin, Dorothy co-created the program: "EXPLORATIONS of the SELF - Tap your Inner Potential". This program is a current offering both of Spirit's Call and the University of Manitoba Counselling Service offered as a weekly group for Students at the University of Manitoba, and also as one day workshops for the broader community.

Dorothy works with people of all ages, including those living with chronic pain and life-threatening illness. Dorothy currently is involved full-time with Spirit's Call, and an active practice in British Columbia. She is the area co-ordinator for The Way of the Heart in Vancouver, B.C. and teaches in the Integrative Energy Healing Program at Langara College.

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