Spirit's Call
 Workshop: "Sing for Your Life!"
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"Sing for Your Life!" Workshop
with Shivon Robinsong

Feb 15 & 16th 2003
in Winnipeg

Take the chill off winter in Winnipeg!

To keep alive the singing souls of Spirit's Call Choir and other interested songsters while our Spirit's Call Choir's harmonic choral director, Lyle Eide, is away for his winter retirement travels, Spirit's Call and Hollyhock are collaborating for this very special singing event!

Shivon Robinsong
  • Shivon is founder/director of Victoria's "Gettin' Higher Choir" (a major inspiration for the Spirit's Call Choir following Margaret's singing experiences at Hollyhock with Shivon and Ann Mortifee in summer 2001 and 2002!)
  • Shivon also is a co-founder of Hollyhock, "Canada's leading holistic retreat centre"!
  • Experience the spirit of Hollyhock in Winnipeg and warm your heart with song for this special full moon Valentine's Day weekend!
  • Shivon firmly believes that "we are all singers and singing together in harmony is our birthright - a POWERFUL source of ENERGY, JOY AND CONNECTION."
  • Many in the now 300 voice "Gettin' Higher Choir" once thought of themselves as "non-singers." With Shivon's passion and guidance, their frequent public performances are highly acclaimed!
  • They have recorded several CDs and are a major inspiration for our Spirit's Call Choir!
  • Shivon grew up in Winnipeg and is looking forward to this return to her roots.
Shivon Robinsong
Shivon Robinsong
(photo credit: Tony Bounsall)

Time and Location

February 15 & 16, 2003
in Winnipeg


Sponsored by Hollyhock and Spirit's Call.

Workshop Fee

$135.00 (including G.S.T.)

How To Register

Space is limited!

A $50.00 deposit cheque made out to Spirit's Call is required before January 15th to hold a spot. (Some bursaries are available.)

Mail to:
474 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Attn: Margaret Tobin

Margaret Tobin may be reached at 488-0078.

For More Information

Hollyhock Web site:

Shivon Robinsong's Web site:

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