Spirit's Call
 Retreat: A Sacred Pilgrimage to Stonehenge
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From time immemorial Pilgrims have journeyed to sacred sites. . .

And now as the millennium arrives, join us for this spiritual exploration to several sacred sites in England which can inpire us at the deepest level of our being and nourish our connection to Spirit and Source.

The Journey

Together we will journey outward as we visit ancient stone circles, sacred landscapes and a holy well. We will gather within the inner circle of Stonehenge to honour and celebrate our deepest selves and allow ourselves to be transformed by the magic and strength of this place.

We will journey inward and draw upon the wisdom and healing energies of these ancient places. As we connect in this way, we will explore how the healing of ourselves and others may be enhanced through a deep relationship with our sacred environment.

Each day we will share what is in our hearts: our stories, our moments of profound experience, our joys, our tears, our dreams, our laughter and our intentions.

The Program
  • A chance to explore your deepest essence through ritual, connections, meditation and sacred space.

  • A time to set intentions as we welcome the New Millennium.

  • Opportunities for self awareness, growth and transformation through movement and meditative sound.

  • An exquisite opportunity to experience Reiki Attunements in ancient, mystical places, and renew the connection with this Life Force Energy.

  • An occasion to dialogue with, and to unite the divine feminine and the divine masculine within and around us.

  • Free time for personal reflection, solitude and relaxing with participants.

  • A gateway to access and integrate the energies of spirit, mind, body, heart and soul.


Time and Location

May 31 - June 7, 2000 in England


Double accommodation (Bed and Breakfast for 7 days and 6 nights). Entrance fees to Stonehenge and Chalice Well, travel by coach arranged by Spirit's Call and all program costs.

Does Not Include

Air travel, transfer to and from the airport, lunches and dinners, local transportation/taxis, tips for hotel and restaurant service, escort guides or bus drivers.

For More Information

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