If you are conscious of polarities in your life and want to live in ways that honour both aspects . . .
- join us for -
Another local opportunity to explore how to balance polarities (theme of Spirit's Call's A Sacred Pilgrimage to Stonehenge in June, 2000):
- A chance to identify, dialogue with and integrate aspects such as feminine & masculine...physical & spiritual...intuitive & intellectual...separation & union...emotional & rational...mind & body...fight & flight...joy & pain...light & dark...fear & courage . . .
- A time to honour the fullness of life's gifts and challenges - as beautifully expressed in Oriah Mountain Dreamer's inspiring poem and book by the same name - The Invitation - published by Harper Collins (1999)
(Permission to use this title and encouragement for the workshop were obtained from Oriah Mountain Dreamer)
- A celebration of our unfolding journeys with like-minded souls
- An opportunity for women and men together to access and integrate the energies of spirit, mind, body, heart and soul - with this 3rd workshop offering more opportunities for expression through movement and sound
- Special guest for 3rd workshop - Darci Adam M.A. (Theatre), M. Ed. Psych
Darci worked with us for the 3 "Creative Expression of Your Life Purpose" workshops at SNAC in 1998/99. Her gifts in drama, movement and creative expression helped us to express and transform our stories in new ways. We are honoured and delighted that Darci is able to join us again for this workshop!
-- Margaret & Dorothy --
3 Sundays at St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC):
- November 19, 2000
- February 18, 2001
- Sunday, April 22, 2001 (3rd of a series)
9:30 am to 5:30 pm
- bag lunch
- mug, journal
- pen(s)
- pillow
- blanket / towel / chair for sitting on the floor
- personally meaningful items representing polarities in your life
Sponsored by The University of Manitoba Counselling Service and Spirit's Call
For more information, click here.